Six dragon heads, one for each point of the

  • Six dragon heads, one for each point of the star, contained him. The ruby eyes were binding magic and suspended him floating. It was the only apparent mysticism that kept Bill
  • intrigued with the activities of the Light World. He preferred the darkness and it's strange antipathies. He studied the Serpent Languages where he learned the secret of green fire
  • and scaly immortality of Quetzalcoatl. The scales didn't bother him but the regular supply of blood offerings was more difficult. Fortunately he worked in a blood bank
  • It was actually fairly easy to smuggle the blood out, because security was very lax. In fact, it was just one old guy with macular degeneration. Quetzalcoatl demanded a steady
  • supply of human sacrifices, willingly provided by his own people. They saw the blood rite as the highest attainable honour, and competed to find the most deserving. Blood-smuggling
  • was seen as an offense to the Gods and was punished by flouncing. The punishments reduced the supply and increased the price. Blood smuggling gangs roamed the streets after dark,
  • only to have their asses soundly kicked by a masked rabbit in a cape. We wondered who had broken Edward Cullen's face in, and our suspicions to a new nightly hero were raised.
  • Raised like fresh bread. The new superhero eschewed tights and instead wore two layers of gym shorts. One satin, one not.
  • After a sudden loss of hearing, the hero was forced to see a doctor. "Well, yes, I have had an erection for the past 72 hours, but I figured it was just the shorts." The doctor
  • bent down, her ample breasts toppling out of her uniform, and whispered into his ear. "I have the cure." Well it's about time, Frank thought. That was the longest porno intro EVER.


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