I'm not gonna give much to work with...Let's

  • I'm not gonna give much to work with...Let's just say that
  • cocaine was mine, just for pure argument's sake. And while we're throwing things around here, just go ahead and assume that prostitute in the totaled BMW is with me. Hypothetically
  • -speaking of course. And just for the heck of it (stay with me now) let's also consider the possibility that the 42 pair of ladies underwear scattered all over the street are mine.
  • And let's just say (please indulge me) that they are all soiled too. And let's just say (if you will permit) that a certain crime dog took extreme delight in sniffing. Knowing all
  • these hypothetical facts, would you say that this odious set of circumstances would rightly peak my suspicion?" JMan paused for dramatic effect. The suspect, a certain Shitzu
  • named Tony, simply sniffed once disdainfully and proceeded to further underline its contempt for the entire proceedings by relieving itself against the table leg. JMan, temporarily
  • froze in fear, for he was not really comfortable around dogs. He was scared to death and would erupt any moment, one could see the fear in his eyes.
  • Yellowstone had nothing on him, his mum said. Any wonder he was an opera singer? He could sing vibrato like no one else, critics said. Still, he suffered from stage fright and took
  • pains as his just reward for gargling with his Faith. It was acceptable to question your Faith, throw away your Faith, misuse your Faith but never gargle with it. This he had done.
  • But fresher breath only made him more charismatic and he saw the way open before him. He started the First Church of the Listerine and many were drawn to the holy medicine cabinet.


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