iPad on the upturned box read pɐd! - something

  • iPad on the upturned box read pɐd! - something he hadn't noticed until she'd removed it. Something turned deep inside him. Somehow Steve Jobs was telling him something, but he
  • he couldn't think over the din of Jobs' howling. They had come into the Bellevue psyche ward at the same time. Jobs was foaming at the mouth, it streamed down his black turtleneck.
  • He kept howling. "Must be smaller! iPods must be smaller! One inch-- no, half an inch! Millimeters!!" Jobs was becoming more erratic, flailing about wildly until the nurses finally
  • held him down and administered the sedative. The results were immediate, but Jobs still mumbled about iPods, and other iDevices in his sleep. He went on and on about how he was
  • never going to allow porn to penetrate his devices. If you want porn, buy an Android! Still, he couldn't shake his debilitating fear of
  • Steve Jobs' strangling hold on the iOS app market. It had caused him many sleepless nights, being a developer of risqué applications, always skirting the boundary of acceptance.
  • Still, the "I" stood for "I, Steve Jobs, am this app" and he put little traces of DNA into every Twatter or Failbook application. Sometimes blood, a tooth chip, or usually urine or
  • All humans, except those too old, feeble or ridiculously moronic, were affected by Jobs tracking system. DNA is pretty darn definitive. Yet there was Dirk, who has no DNA.
  • Dirk was the latest Apple project in collaboration with Labs R Us. Using an experimental recombinant DNA process, they engineered out DNA with each splice until he had none, becaus
  • The machine actually had DNA of it's own. It was organic mostly. It didn't have much to add to society, but at the same time, knew that it had to do what was asked. This last time.


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