Larry Potter was Harry's twin brother who

  • Larry Potter was Harry's twin brother who had been hidden because, well he was a total loser. Everything Harry had, Larry did not. He was raised by a circus clown named Bugle
  • who, like Shia LeBouf, had Larry Potter forced to dress in a clown suit & sell hotdogs for a living. Bugle the clown could push him around 'cuz he lacked magic like his bro Harry.
  • Larry Potter sulked while he squeezed mustard along the hotdog. "That'll be $3.99, please," he droned. Harry felt bad. "Reducto!" he waved his wand and Larry's hotdog stand went
  • into a thousand pieces. Larry was far from impressed with Harry. Suddenly, their elder brother Gary Potter appeared. "What happened to the hotdog stand?" said Gary looking at the m
  • ustard bottle &went into a black-rage since it was almost empty. Larry &Harry wanted to hold back their brother, Gary, bc they knew what could happen, but they decided to see how
  • Lin Bang would handle it. "Lally, Hally, Gally...calm down. I will get moll mustald fol you!" Lin Bang calmly summoned a waiter.The brothers respected Lin Bang, but when the waiter
  • returned with a tray full of moles, the Lin Bang crew did not know what to do. "This isn't what I want!" "Didn't you ask for mo-- oh! My apologies. 'Be right back." The waiter ran
  • Out to buy rat poison and killed them all. He almost was arrested by animal social justice warriors. But the raccoons got killed too, making everyone happy. It was overdue.
  • That was it: case closed, or so everyone thought. The raccoon wars of 2022-2075 could not have been predicted by mere human minds. The war began shortly after this incident.
  • Life after the war was never the same. People soon had to adapt to being constantly afraid of the rabid raccoons, and the gutter rats that had the fleas that carried the plague.


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