The circles covered the entire football field

  • The circles covered the entire football field in multi-colored rows. 500 people gathered together. The mighty spinner twisted. A thunder over the speakers, "LEFT FOOT ON RED!"
  • His giant limbs started to move slowly but had to bend around two giant siamese twin girls. They could bend no more and the smapping of bone could be heard beyond the stadium.
  • in fact the bone-smap was detect in near-earth orbit by Zklk & Klcksnk who,flying down to investigate,were delighted to discover the giant freaks especially the siamese twin girls
  • canonade was in in full salute. The marvelous glow of the intermixed plasma fountains cast beautifully hollow glows on their faces. Near the earth's surface Zklk & Klcksnk
  • wondered if they were the last humans in the universe. The assault had been swift and lethal, yet those watching gasped at the beauty (just before gasping their last breath). Zkik
  • landed the mother-ship at PlanaltPalace,residence to the Brazilian President,but she was at BlackRiverPalace,the summer residence.Zkik left Dilma a message and
  • patted the Brazilian President's personal alsatian. "Bought you some smores while you were out, signed, the aliens." Zkik checked Dilma's home decor and wondered when she'd be back
  • It was already midnight! She promised to buy deaths door gin to celebrate their home finally selling as a teardown to make room for the full moon. It was that brilliant, the
  • candles were lit, a sack of O+, some garlic, and a backup crucifix was in place. Finally, her true purpose of reviving Vladchok the Impaler was at hand.
  • At the appointed hour, Vladchok opened his eyes..."YOU! Vhat do YOU vant?" Vladchok cried. "If I told you once, I told you a 1000 times," she screamed. "Put the toilet seat DOWN!"


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