Jenna wondered how anyone could be so cruel,

  • Jenna wondered how anyone could be so cruel, how anyone could steal HER barbie doll with purple hair. However Jenna wasn't bright and couldn't find an answer. So
  • she went into the old mine shaft with the "DANGER" and "KEEP OUT" signs. Perhaps deep within the earth she would find the truth about cruelty and purple-haired Barbie theft.
  • As Barbie meandered deeper into the mine, it dawned on her that getting hopelessly lost is a weird way to seek out truths. Above ground, Ken organized a "Find Barbie" rock concert.
  • Ken sighed. "Guys, I want my Barbie back. Nobody knows where she is. She was last seen in front of the mine entrance." Papa Smurf frowned. "But why do you want to organize a rock
  • -et science course right here in front of the mine where Barbie was last seen?" Papa Smurf asked, "won't the three week session delay rescue efforts?" Ken hemmed and hawed as he
  • earing aids fell from the sky. Ken hollered, "What?" "That's most unusual," Papa Smurf said and picked up a pair. He continued, "They usually only do that once a year."
  • Ken the barbie doll twerked all over papa smurf and papa smurf began to licc his a** . it continued to rain hearing aids all over them, a weird kink they both shared
  • And exploited on MTV3. All this channel had featured twerking and farting. By years end it had 12,000/followers. The truth squad found out about it and threatened to shut it down.
  • There response was, When you can, you do. When you can't, you threaten. They would only answer to the deed done, otherwise, we were just blowing hot air. I looked to command on how
  • We would win. They answer was, we would never be able to. But, we could always threaten them with a good time.


  1. Woab Jan 08 2018 @ 12:12

    Good finish, IAm.

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