The wheel turned and she was transfixed.

  • The wheel turned and she was transfixed. Only half a turn to go and her life changed forever. She'd win thirty seven dollars. It was enough to buy the used bicycle. It spun like
  • like a dradle on a merry-go-round twisted by a dizzy freak. But the wheel rolled out globular color plasmas her eyes dilated and vertigo whirled around her head, she spiraled
  • uncontrollably and jerked and yanked and tugged and pulled and convulsed until the cows came home. Then she started digging in the seat cushions for some gelt.
  • Maybe she could throw it at the windscreen, smash it and use the glass to cut through the jammed seatbelt. She'd have to hold her breath and do it quickly, though. The car sank
  • rapidly and soon she was out of air. she holded her breath and tried to break the glass. then she thought differently and just flipped the door open and swam out. But she was too
  • tired. The bells about her son kept ringing. Where was he now . Will she ever find time for that search, or will he be just another memory at the back of her mind. Bursting into
  • the belfry, she searched for clues. Her son Quasimoto was a planner, so she knew there would be a map or an itinerary somewhere. Luckily, she found
  • a trapdoor activated by an out of place book on the shelf. "Jinkies!" she exclaimed, as she went to inform Freddy and Daphne about her findings. Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby
  • Had a snack. They would all need energy before entering whatever was behind the trapdoor. Shaggy looked worried whereas Scooby was ready to go. Eager to find
  • Daphne's missing period. Fred and Velma were at their weekly campus LGBT meeting, so it was up to the two of them to discover the Secret of the Missing Menses. They started by


  1. Davodd Feb 18 2011 @ 16:49

    Crap. Didn't realize it was the last line.

  2. Davodd Feb 18 2011 @ 16:50

    Replace "They started by" with "Damn kids!"

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