"Butterfly in the sky? Ha, I can get twice

  • "Butterfly in the sky? Ha, I can get twice as high." I thought to myself as I reached into my Bag-O-Drugs, randomly pulling out
  • colored scarves and a rabbits foot. Damnit, this is that old magician's hat, not the fun bag I was hoping for. Nonetheless, the scarves were nice and colorful and started to
  • to squirm at which point I realized that the scarves were actually giant living gummy worms. I tried to figure out which end was the head of the gummy worms, but
  • when I bit into my date's gummy scarf the other end hissed viciously & bit my calf. I bellowed loudly. The other's in the opera box glared at me & Brunhilde interrupted her aria.
  • she meant, "area." Bathing suit "area" to be exact. Brunhilde stopped interrupting my area, so that it could flow, really gleam and shine, the audience didn't need opera glasses to
  • view and appreciate my area.Brunhilde certainly didn't have any areas anyone could admire.When she hit a high "C" her areas jiggled and her chin wobbled. It wasn't over yet, though
  • . The audience cheers of 'Brava' lessened. She had learned cyclical breathing from the digeredoo musicians in the outbacks of Australia. The aria lasted for hours.
  • The cops arrived at 3 a.m., waving their flashlights about the LA Opera hall. "They're all fast asleep, Captain!" "This shrieks foul play. Have SID sweep for traces of chloroform."
  • The pitbull greeted them, saying, "Hiya! I am Zeus. What is your name?" His wife, Bella, introduced herself too. The cops were stunned and realised they were at the wrong place.
  • Zeus was more than happy to direct them to the house next door. "Athena lives in that one you idiots," he said cheerily. As they slunk off, Zeus muttered,"Always blaming the dog


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