The Charizard watched the boy standing in

  • The Charizard watched the boy standing in front of him. The little human seemed to be waiting...but for what? The dragon's fat stomach growled impatiently...
  • He wanted to eat the Pickachu and he wanted to eat it now, but his trainer stopped him because
  • he was a water type, and those are weak to electric types like Pikachu. With his stomach still in an uproar for food he got an epiphany! "Go Onix!" he yelled, and so
  • Onix was released from the Pokéball. "Onix, use Nuclear Rock Slide!" he shouted, before realizing that that wasn't a legal move, or even a real move at all. Too late, though..
  • Onix looked quizzically at his master due to his odd request. But then, Onix stiffened up (as rock pokemon like to do), his eyes started glowing, and an odd energy filled the air
  • as Pikachu dived in for another shocking attack. Of course, everyone knows that his attack will have no effect, but his brain is very small, so let's not be too mean. "Eat my
  • dust, you overrated Pokemanz!" said Meowth, as he took a stone and brought it down upon the back of Pikachu's head. Impressed with Meowth's cruel actions, Team Rocket decided to
  • make Meowth their leader. Team Rocket is now known as Team RokCat, with the logo changed to show a sexy cat girl riding a rocket to ecstacy. Meowth apprroves and asked pikachu to
  • help him defeat Lt. Surge, who is most definitely NOT, let's emphasize this, NOT, a cyborg ninja samurai. Pikachu thought about this briefly before deciding that he'd rather be
  • a regular animal again. Pikachu decided he was done with all this fighting and wandered back into the wilderness, never to be seen again.


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