I was sitting in class when two EXTREMELY

  • I was sitting in class when two EXTREMELY annoying guys named
  • nyan cat 1 and nyan cat 2
  • Alf had finished all his nyan cat dinners. But Willie was still waiting for a response. Angry, white, thin-lipped, like a chess-piece off the board of life.
  • Alf: "You remember I said Melmackians are fond of cats? Willie (Angrily) : "So they eat cats?!" Alf: "Not exactly, but they play an important part in Bouillabaisseball
  • Willie: "Ball broth, huh? Now you're talking!" Alf shouted as Willie pulled off his own sweats, "Hey, I'm talking about gourmet, not scare-A!!" The laugh track malfunctioned and
  • 'Cut!' The director threw the script hard on the ground. 'Can't you do anything right, you morons?!' Alf sighed as Willy pulled his sweats back up. A technician stared down at the
  • cables snaking across the floor & contemplated the purposelessness of it all. The director continued berating Alf & Willy. Daphne, in her trailer, watched the youtube clip of the
  • dailies posted by the director for everyone to review. The movie, "Purple Purposelessness" was coming along nicely, Daphne thought, even though Alf & Willie were screwups. Daphne
  • had faith in the script. Solid storyline, just enough sex & violence. Alf & Willie's on-screen dynamics were ambiguous enough to keep audiences guessing & critics happy. The movie
  • would be a smash hit. He sent it off the next day to the major producers of Hollywood and within an hour he had three agents barking up his tree. The next day, he was flying out


  1. SlimWhitman Jan 22 2014 @ 05:55

    So let me get this straight. The director is a fat cat? Maybe Dmitri? http://foldingstory.com/scxwc/ http://foldingstory.com/u5pvp/

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