Today was an odd series of events, 99% of

  • Today was an odd series of events, 99% of the world's inhabitants had been turned into zombies.And the1% of survivors were trapped on a floating isle.
  • And that floating isle was on a collision course with the zombie mecca, Brooklyn. Day after day, the survivors would watch that undead hipster capitol come nearer and nearer, until
  • the cities slammed into each other and created a city Mash Up. Brooklyn and Gay Paris became
  • Queens."You got your French hookers in my coke hookers!" "You got your coke hookers in my French hookers!" Cocaine was caught in hairy armpits. Paris & Brooklyn collided literally
  • , both being armpits of their respective continents. Paris smells. Brooklyn smells. But Tripoli?
  • can't be worse than the stench coming from Beijing. Fresh air was in short supply until the Airflow 2000 was invented by Prof. Ginannetonic. This was later by the Stench NoMore Pro
  • which successfully took over the market when it conclusively proved that garlic could be enjoyed with no lingering odours. Great distress erupted in the "ban the vampire" club when
  • a representative of the local authority arrived with a few policemen to close down the club for several health and safety violations. A riot ensued and the police began unleashing
  • the full power of the Dark Side with all of their might. Clearly, bullets and riot shields weren't enough to handle the mob, so the loss of sanity was clearly a perfect trade off.
  • Just in time, too! I stood very still within the chaos, watching one fly out of the cuckoo's nest. Nurse Rached smiled benevolently & handed me my pills.


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