The male mile-or-more-bird flies backwards

  • The male mile-or-more-bird flies backwards and whistles through his ass making a sound that can be heard for a mile or more. Thus his name. When he is trying to attract a mate he
  • tightens his ass, making the whistling so high pitched that glass shatters. This is why they are sometimes called ass glassers. The females can hear this mating call from deep in
  • side Anthropologie, past the "expensive" hippie rags where the pointless but pretty books. The females moisten their skin because eating disorders dried up their juices and
  • the men dry their goop-laden hair beneath roaring fans, because their insatiable hunger left them unctuous. But, then again, this is to be expected in a bee colony. "Quickly! Queen
  • Regal-Sting you must evacuate! All of your bee-servants have already fled, except for a few of your most loyal." She lifted off like a VTOL Hoverround and trundled out the escape
  • porcupus, a sort of pocupine mixed with a platypus. The escape Pocupus took her far away from the Hive of Queens, and she had to admit that Sting looked identical to Professor Oak.
  • Arriving in a village near the outskirts of the forest, she dismounted her porcupus - very carefully - and let it drink from a nearby river. It was time to begin a new life, here.
  • But first, she had to remove the porcupus quills that had embedded in her
  • palms, for she had not yet conquered her strange obsession for hunting them with her bare hands.A glutton for punishment, she refused anesthesia & stretched out her porcupus-pocked
  • hands and face to the nice looking young doctor in the ER.She looked like Hell Raiser character,but he didn't seem to mind once he shut the curtains,no nurse at sight.


  1. Zetawilk Aug 11 2013 @ 15:16

    I forgot about the porcupus! :3

  2. Davodd Aug 11 2013 @ 19:59

    I'm glad I resurrected this dormant story. ;)

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