Beneath the dense city air lay Hunstanton

  • Beneath the dense city air lay Hunstanton Pier. At first glance she is ugly, spoiling the consistency of the artificial green grass. You have to look closely to see her true beauty
  • because she was so amazingly ugly. Hunstanton Pier was a woman who only enjoyed eating bananas dipped in warmed mayo.
  • Of course everyone understood why bananas & warm mayo was her favorite dessert, poor thing. Her nickname was Attila the Hun because she was so homely & also b/c she had a temper.
  • She spent most of her time on her 4th generation iPod Touch, tapping away on the FoldingStory app. Attila rarely went out, but when she did, she dressed up like
  • a honey badger and called herself Attila the Honey Badger. She thought she was sooo hilarious. And when she came by we were like "Mm hmm, great!" but when she left we were all "Eww
  • ... ErMerGerd... Eww." So Attila the Honey Badger went to Hungary where Attilas are everywhere and the sense of humour is zany/unamusing depending on your POV. Sitting in a Turkish
  • deli, surrounded by an unspeakably large amount of Attilas eating sandwiches with freshly cut bologna and ketchup, I realized.. Attila the Honey Badger.. Was Mitt Romney!
  • Attila/Mitt the Honey Badger didn't care, even about the very poor. He just kept gulping down those tasty sandwiches, carefully prepared by his binders full of women.
  • Women who, on various, numerous, and random occasions had shown Attilla/Mitt the honey badger some of the most interestingly beautiful ways of expressing their
  • need for a new icon. Attilla (aka Mitt the Honeybager) was on t-shirts and boyfriend pillows. He was on the cover of Tiger Beat magazine. They loved him and he don't care.


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