Not every story begins with "Once upon a

  • Not every story begins with "Once upon a time" or "Long, long ago." For example, this one was going to start off with "It was a dark and stormy night."
  • At this point, a stranger might come to town or we would be introduced to a murder. Yes, that sounds good. "Suddenly, a shot rang out. The maid screamed."
  • Actually, it sounds a lot like that game "Clue". A few too many clichés. Let's start over. "It was a bright & sunny day." Okay... "The mailman rang thrice. Sign for a package Miss?
  • TadaDadadaa!Cheesy song and MissThing checks out the "package" the hansome man tries to "deliver".No good!We went from Clue Cliche to Bad Porn Cliche!Let's start over again:
  • "Ok, it Was Colonel Mustard with the Candlestick in the Library." Ron Jeremy heard his Clue Opponent's words. But THINGS occurred to Mr. Jeremy. Involving Mustard and Candlesticks.
  • Ron couldn't concentrate anymore. There were just too many options with Mustard and Candlesticks, especially if Jenna James was added to the mix. 'Mr. Jeremy, you won!' Ron didn't
  • even wince, he'd won this game before, and he was no stranger. He knew what made Jenna tick and it had nothing to do with mustard OR candlesticks. She wasn't that
  • fond of dancing so they went to the billiard room for 8 ball and cigars, and walked in on Mr. Green in a compromising position on the pool table with Miss Scarlet (not his wife)
  • there Miss Scarlet stood in nothing but her lacy underwear, garters, stockings and heels. Her mouth a gaping 'o' of stunned disbelief. Mr Green stood with his foot on her torn dres
  • s. "If you're not going to let me wear it, then there is no way YOU'RE going to!" Mr Green screamed. Everyone knows that Mr Green looked better in dresses and than Scarlett.


  1. CrazyBananas Aug 29 2012 @ 15:37

    From porn to board games with a sprinkle of cross-dressing at the end. Well played, my friends, well played.

  2. Chaz Aug 29 2012 @ 20:01

    I already see the forums popping up for Board game Slash Fiction. Stratego anyone?

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