The gun in Lucy's pocket seemed to grow heavier

  • The gun in Lucy's pocket seemed to grow heavier as she drew it out of her pocket and aimed it at the Prime Minister. It's just a job, she thought as she pulled the trigger, not my
  • problem if he pissed off the wrong people. She was halfway down the block before the PM's body hit the ground. Before she could turn the corner, Lucy felt a strong hand grab her
  • hand of Hercules. The gods had grafted Hercules's hand onto her arm when he'd lost a bet. She had unwordly inhuman strength in that hand. She crushed the hand like egg shells,
  • but it was strange to have two hands on one hand, even if it was the Hand of Hercules. It made dating hard, especially since it had a bit of a mind of it's own. One time she
  • went to pinch a guy's butt and wound up grabbing both cheeks at once. The guy had yelped before spinning around and giving her a sly grin. "Hey baby" He said, something I can help
  • alleviate, as I am a practician of speech therapy. "Whatchoo doin' heah?" he asked the sexually-assaulting woman. She was now pinching his nipples and it was getting awkward. Real
  • awkward, real fast. What was it with this woman and nipple pinching? Perhaps the reason she enjoyed it so much was the fact that the nipple would harden at her touch and she
  • was made out of rock, too. The Thing never thought he'd find a woman for him, but he was afraid that this weakness, the nipple pinching, would get out. It was so hard to let go
  • of this habit that had sustained him for so long. Every time life got too hard, salvation was just a nipple-pinch away. But now, The Thing just wanted a woman's touch to
  • comfort him during the holiday season. But he'd have to settle for Spider-man who was in full swing decorating Christmas trees with special glitter tinsel webbing.


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 13 2012 @ 16:45

    Classic FoldingStory - nice finish too.

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