The door opened in the ancient Abbey. The

  • The door opened in the ancient Abbey. The highly respected figure did not appear. Instead, there was a collective gasp as Tony Blair Witch entered
  • the ancient abbey on Silent Capitol Hill. The silence was deafening as Tony Blair Witch used his Downing Street Syndrome Sense to find the secret door to the attic
  • of Broken Dreams. Making my way quietly I managed to reach the opposite door without stepping in any dream oil but when I turned the doorknob I discovered it was covered in dream
  • wax. I waxed poetic about swans drifting over an ivory lake. My waxy prose smoothed over her calussed and cracked broken dreams.
  • What was I thinking up now? A life or death situation could park itself at my doorstep but it wouldn't matter, all i could think about is her...
  • thoughts of her had consumed me and blasted away the well-organized life I used to lead. I blew off my job and wandered through traffic, thinking only of her, shabby, forlorn, hope
  • ful look on her face. As I wondered the streets I had all intentions of finding her. She was they only thing I needed. I would die for this women. I had to find her.
  • "Excuse me, but..." a tap on my shoulder. "Are you looking for me?" I grabbed her and hugged her. I would never let her go! "Ummm...Do I know you?" she struggled to free herself
  • of my Kung-Fu grip, which loosened with the pop of a button on my back. "I'm sorry, I thought I knew you," I said to her. "Aren't you Rip Van Codpiece, the author?" she asked.
  • "I am his identical twin. I am the one who painted the Emperor dressed as a woman. I was banished to Coventry, which is where my brother is now. Yes, I am Rip Van Codpiece!"


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