A dirty blond girl from my high school staggered

  • A dirty blond girl from my high school staggered out behind him pulling down her skirt. Seeing Kevin, she turned around and threw up, clambering for the porcelain which had recent
  • been replaced. Looks like someone had too much to drink he said as he helped her with her skirt. Time to go baby he said glancing at Kevin,
  • who cooed at her and scratched his hairy thigh. It wasn't easy being married to a man who insisted spending the weekends in infant fetish land and demanded public diaper changes.
  • But, she had a plan. Women always have plans. Devious, crafty? I think it all came about from Eve tempting Adam with the apple. The one he was not supposed to eat. But, when Eve
  • said, "Hey I was joking don't eat that!" The fool Adam said, "Hey, watch your mouth," and he bit into the apple. Nothing happened. Eve blinked, she asked, "Do you know what Good an
  • adult male's nipples are?" Adam didn't know but he was genuinely curious to find out. He took another bite of apple and chewed slowly, thinking how to play this. He said "Eve,
  • this is just a passing thought, but, are you feeling a little frisky? I mean, I look at you, and I look at me, and I just can't help but want to..
  • play a little game of fetch. Thurston Howell III ran behind the sofa to grab his squeeky toy. Lovey wasn't in the mood.
  • Fortunately, Gilligan was.
  • Gilligan was eternal, the Messiah of the Minnow. Ginger, who knew she would never be forgiven, stood silently with the others as the sun set behind the palms.


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