Aside from being understandably horrified,

  • Aside from being understandably horrified, Dianne looked pissed. I mean, I don't blame her. I hadn't exactly informed her tonight's date would begin with hiding my dead roommate's
  • body. "It was an accident," I feebly explained to Dianne. "As soon as we can find a good place to dump the body, I'll take you out to your favorite steak house." Muttering curses,
  • Dianne pouted but replied, "Fine, but if you're taking me for the proverbial ride, you'll be sorry." I finally spotted a gorge along the roadside. "Aha, let's dump the body here!"
  • Dianne said, "Sam, you can't just throw a body down a random gorge." Why not I wondered, I was handsome and an ex-athlete, I can do whatever I want. "Look Dianne, why don't we
  • forget this whole me-throwing-a-corpse-down-a-gorge business, and I'll treat you to dinner and a movie?" He winked at Dianne, and flexed his cleft chin muscles, among other things.
  • Dianne smirked. "Throw in $100,000 in hush money and a box of chocolates and you've got yourself a deal." The whole dating/blackmailing thing worked out swimmingly, until he
  • brought out a cardboard box filled with Hershey bars. Dianne was not impressed. He was never good at buying gifts for his dates. Now that there is blackmail involved, he simply
  • knew that the Dianne will be on him from moment to moment.But she wasn't really happy about the Hershey bars so she just wanted to leave after that.But he reached for her hand and
  • She said, "Where is my box of marshmallow truffles? she was promised that instead of some lousy Hershey bars. That was the end of their story. He was banished to Hershey heaven.
  • A full investigation was launched by the Chocolate Police to discover the where shouts of her promised marshmallow truffles but the lead detective, Det. Nestle was stumped.


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