Sir Albert set out on his quest for the Holy

  • Sir Albert set out on his quest for the Holy Grail on a warm July day in the year of the Lord 1234. his companion, a serf named Harold, carried the heavy stuff.
  • Sir Albert was of royal stock, which meant he was very good at very little. Horse riding, sleeping and being served tea were his specialties. Harold couldn't recall why served "Sir
  • Mix-A-Lot" had been given priority over him at the Christmas Court this year. This time will be different. He is going to distinguish himself. He is going to start cock fighting in
  • the Sarah Palin Petting Zoo - which consists mostly of
  • dead moose that Lady Palin killed with her bare hands. There is only one animal worth seeing there:
  • a secret Alaskan white tiger. Although Lady Palin had heard elders speak of such and animal she herself had never seen one herself. Determined to add this head to her wall , Lady
  • Palin crouched low to the ground and began her grotesque transformation. The adamantium spikes ripped through her northface jacket. and the shimmering finger-scythes emerged.
  • The lights came up, and Rove commented "Are you guys serious? I mean the pitbull and bullseye stuff okay. But I think you're going overboard with this". Rush responded, "
  • Though his mind is not for rent, Don't put him down as arrogant. His reserve, a quiet defense, Riding out the day's events, The river."
  • Hearing this, the man began walking towards some unseen place, or rather, towards no particular place at all. The townsfolk, understandably, never bothered to follow.


  1. SlimWhitman Apr 30 2011 @ 09:30

    Tom Sawyer's a very nice song indeed - but that's not the Rush I had in mind. ;-)

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