Blood clung thick on the walls of the small

  • Blood clung thick on the walls of the small room like a double coat of paint, filling the air with a cloying smell that burned the nostrils. I couldn't believe what I'd just done.
  • Nobody would get the obvious socioeconomic implications of such a contemporary albeit macabre art exhibit. I needed to shave my head and change my name to Walter Fickdiggery of
  • course, otherwise I would be left with little to do but twiddle my thumbs in this museum pretending I comprehend the reason for why one square is blue and the other is red. Art is
  • just a means to an end for me. I pick up women who sit in the museum all day telling people not to get too close or take pictures. Outside working hours, they liked both
  • of my balls. I told them not to get too close, but I did let them take pictures. I also picked up the ladies who gave out the free triscuit halves at Sam's Club.
  • They were easy to pick up because I was an american citizen and had my own car. The Costco Food Ladies didn't seem to care that I still lived at home, but man, could they
  • cook. Last night they made this homemade pu pu platter with deep fried crappie and creamy shiitake sandwiches. The shitz tzu even got to have some. The flavor
  • crystals had grown too large. I was unable to crunch them to release the minty freshness. The fresh breath I had been promised was replaced by merde. My reading from the book of
  • Sea Monkeys was nonetheless applauded by seven seals in the front row, and even got a good review in The New Yorker, but my jaws ached from the expanding minty crystals in my mouth
  • . Mr. Wonka's new candy was making us very upset, and the expanding Live Saver wintergreens were shooting off luminous sparks that began to catch the audience on fire.


  1. 49erFaithful Jan 12 2012 @ 17:46

    C'mon. "creamy shiitake sandwiches"? That's genius Jerry, genius!

  2. SlimWhitman Jan 12 2012 @ 18:03

    How many ways can you say shitzu eating grin? apparently a lot... ;-)

  3. 49erFaithful Jan 12 2012 @ 19:26

    ...the shitzu-eating grin on the lion's face made me think maybe he was the one who'd ...

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