The pharmacist on board the submarine successfully

  • The pharmacist on board the submarine successfully operated on Seaman Darrell Rector for appendicitis deep in the
  • rectum of Moby Dick. "I sense that Moby has a bad case of tonsillitis," said Rx Man, who grabbed his pill gun and climbed up the digestive track. Darrell stayed (in the) behind.
  • sloughing Dick's smouldering hemrhoid piles. Meanwhile Rx Man reached the great baggy folds of the Whale's large intestine where he encountered a forest of pseudopolyps.
  • Hemerrhoy Rogers and his Rrhoids Boys fought off the Preparation H-anator, but they would need the help of Superkick! And there was only one way to get the dashing superhero's
  • posterior out of the proverbial sling, as they say. The boss was down his neck and up his butt on just about everything. Hemerrhoy Rodgers would need more than just a tube of
  • garlic puree to sort out the mess Mr Morganstern had left in the office. Not only that but the computer system had crashed again, which meant overtime for
  • Morganstern. He stayed late at work furiously mashing computer buttons while his family ate dinner without him. His secretary wondered in and
  • out. She was so wonderful. It occurred to him that she was the reason he was staying later and later at work. Of course, being his assistant, she stayed as well. One frosty evening
  • they decided to go out for a hot coffee and accidentally locked themselves out of the office without their coats. The jig was up. Surely his wife would find out now.
  • He briefly imagined what his life would be like once his wife filed a divorce. But there was no reason not go go and get the cup of coffee now. "Well, I guess we might as well go."


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