Once upon a time there was a Princess, named

  • Once upon a time there was a Princess, named Ashley, who was banished to the evil town of Statesboro. There she attended the boarding school Georgia Southern.
  • She could not believe that her parents would send her to such an awful place. What had she done to deserve such an awful fate?
  • Honestly, she didn't mean any harm when she stole her parents' car, took her mom's credit card, picked up her friends, skipped school for two weeks and drive to Ft. Lauderdale.
  • Nor did she mean to cause inconvenience by beginning a heavy cocaine habit, adopting a stray monkey, or dating the Miami Dolphins. But her parents blew things WAY out of proportion
  • , as usual. I mean, seriously - it would have been MUCH worse if she had developed a heroin addiction, adopted a stray crocodile, and dated the Jacksonville Jaguars. But they just
  • thought that Paul Hogan was a terrible representative of Australia. They thought he was sort of the Foster's beer of actors. No, they needed "gravitas."
  • so they took, wait for it, Mel Gibson. Mel insisted they recast the film in the paleolithic. Everyone had to learn protoindoeuropean. He brought in a gaggle of quarreling linguists
  • who did nothing but fight over differences in grammer and proper translations, never actually translating the script into the protoindoeuropean masterpiece Mel Gibson was expecting
  • Which was unfortunate for the impending deadline. Mel Gibson had to produce a readable script by Sunday for the cast, but his coworkers weren't making this an easy feat.
  • The flying dutchman who was directing was a perfectionist who brought his parrot into the studio. Polly would not stay home alone and took prozac daily for anxiety.


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