Bob was having a terrible day. He lost his

  • Bob was having a terrible day. He lost his job, his wife, and his house all in the same day. He isn't thinking clearly and drives very fast down the road. It starts to rain
  • and Bob stepped on the gas, careening down the mountain road.What did he care? He'd lost his job, his wife,and his house on the same day! So what if he loses his car!
  • He white knuckled with his hands at ten and two. Not even using the turn signal, he drove into the fast lane. This minivan was going down the highway to hell!
  • "PLEASE GET OUT OF THE WAY!" He screamed to the other cars on the road from his minivan window. "If my speed drops under 50 miles per hour I'll miss Bingo night!" A toll booth was
  • receiving maintenance at the time, so he floored the pedal. The minivan screamed through the toll booth. He thought he would make it to bingo in time when he heard sirens getting
  • louder towards his direction it was the police, who shouted," Sir, put down the bingo board, and stop your car!"
  • He dutifully pulled over, but hid the bingo board in the secret compartment under the passenger seat floor mat. Half a dozen officers crept toward the vehicle, firearms bared and
  • wits up n' ready they shouted, "Come out with your hands up! Do not grab the bingo board!" The man wouldn't give up his precious board game, he grabbed a bingo token, it got bloody
  • "Take that, B5!" the man shouted, hurling the bingo chip with incredible accuracy. He picked up his cane and hobbled towards the door while the dazed officer looked on.
  • The officer started to sing "This Is Not America".


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 08 2016 @ 04:51

    Excellent 9 fold story almost everyone!

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