It's tough being the youngest of eight brothers

  • It's tough being the youngest of eight brothers who can swallow their fists.
  • Most of them preferred making me swallow theirs most of the time. It's that sort of social persecution that drives a man to do things like this - who in their right mind would
  • buy a Skechers shoe. Honestly.
  • What other choice could you make? It's the S, and you are the S.
  • Which is a hell of a lot better then being the T. I knew a T once. Sad fellow. He had a thing for W. Loved her rigid lines and striking points, but, alas, it was not to be because
  • his X, Q, came back into the scene. She was having a fling with U; they were always seen together. T blew his top and became an I, always thinking about himself.
  • I allllways had to come before E, except after Momma C. Momma C and her extra special K had a problem with E. It all started at a LA rave where three OGs gave Momma C a free hit
  • of vitamin B12. But the rest of the letters were jealous. Whilst watching the X Factor in 3D, Simon "STD" Bennett went forward to
  • drive an SUV while eating a BLT to get to an MST3K convention in the US of A. The letters soon pulled funding from Sesame Street and appeared elsewhere, such as MLPFiM and STDS9.
  • But when I told them to MYOB, they just went LOL and ... HEY! Stop messing with my VCR! .... brb...


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