"What Ug thinking? Sabertooth too much! Me

  • "What Ug thinking? Sabertooth too much! Me no wanna see Cave painting museum anyhow." "Zorg gonna miss special exhibit on Fertility Goddess then - too bad." Zorgs monobrow furrowed
  • at the crowds queuing to get into the museum during the school holidays. Zorg would have rather gone to the Library to research the family tree. Ug was most insistent
  • on replacing the book in its proper spot in the dewy decimal system. Zorg and Ug were two cavemen who'd become devout readers. They decided to live at the library instead of
  • "the cave" which was actually Ug's mother's basement. Besides their avid love of literature, Zorg had a monster crush on Jean, the librarian. Zorg just knew that under her hair bun
  • Jean was imprinted with a small tattoo: MN786z. Zorg had noticed it one day while watching her from the corner of the basement. As Jean turned from her librarian desk, she spotted
  • a young boy. He reached up to get a book from the top shelf, and Jean saw that he too had a tattoo much like her own. It read NM998s. She knew exactly what it ment.
  • "Lawdamercy, yuh got di same ting deh?" Jean stared in silence, and replied with a monotone "what". Were there other science experiments in other parts of the world too? She was
  • suspicious of all these "labs" and "chem 101 classes" and feared the worst. Science had to be weeded out. She hypothesized that her powers of faith, magic, and miracles would work
  • on their own, without all the formulas and equations that would only slow things down. Because in the end, life was best spent in wonder and awe of things we can't understand.
  • We shut down our laptops, brushed off our khakis, drank our cold-pressed french roast, and wandered into the Yukon tundra. We were ready for everything. ('cept bears.)


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 18 2014 @ 09:26

    I was thinking about the Far Side comics while reading this one. Cave people stories: Neolithic school http://foldingstory.com/7qf7c/ (see comments for more)

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