"The concept of no-nations is difficult for

  • "The concept of no-nations is difficult for a time-debter to comprehend." The Exhuman explained. My napalm shield had left me in a state of delirium.
  • If I wanted to escape these Exhuman spies rounding up my species, I would have to shuffle out of here. The humans claim all us aliens are slaves. I thought the room spun, but my
  • brain was just disoriented. I'm not sure if it is what a human would call a brain, but I don't write the Earth English- Solace VI dictionaries. Anyway, time to blast those mutant
  • brains with some good old thermo-nuclear weaponry. I guess I'll just press this button to fire them off. Meanwhile, perhaps I'll learn how to write a dictionary.
  • Writing the dictionary proved hard, especially with all the thermo-nuclear explosions going off outside. They gave me a head ache, so I went out to see what I could do about it.
  • I got a lot of fallout for abandoning my dictionary project already on Ch.1 "A is for Atom", but it fused with my "How to speak Jaberwockian" ms. & became a portmonteaunster
  • Who had a cameo with John Cleese and Michael Stipe, who wore a parrot head for the occasion.I hung out with Monty Python and friends. We had so much fun doing skits, never filmed.
  • One of my dearest memories on my deathbed will be this night that all of the Pythons listened to my idea for a skit about a dry cleaner who had a pet tarantula named Crespin. They
  • all laughed until they wept and told me that they wished they had thought of it. Then the Pythons ad libbed the skit, and it was priceless. I laughed all the way to my deathbed and
  • I died but my skit lived on. The Pythons did the skit at my funeral. It appeared on Youtube withing minutes and went viral. The Pythons reunited as The New Python Monties. Meaning.


  1. LordVacuity Aug 16 2017 @ 19:53

    The New Python Monites took on new pythons and eventually the old guard died. Cleese was the last to go, the bastard. Before he left he passed the trout to Cedric the Tarantula. The New Python Monties didn't last too long after that. Eventually Cedric would try to reconstitute the New Python Monties as the Newer Python Monties but accidentally created Dread Hindenberg instead.

  2. LordVacuity Aug 16 2017 @ 19:57

    Dread Hindenberg and the Blue Clyde we on the scene at the same time and although quite different they went through the same experience. Robert Rock, of the Dread, and Roger Dirt, of the Clyde, have a joint Kobe Beef importing business together.

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