Gregarkhov taunted me over the internet.

  • Gregarkhov taunted me over the internet. He would post his scandalous remarks on my pages then delete them moments later. His young ladies in trenchcoats gave me knowing looks whe
  • n Grergarkhov published on my Spacebook with the advert: "Testing for HIV. It's not a virgin thing." His trenchcoated bimbo teenyboppers were hounding me at the Dunkin Donuts.
  • If that wasn't hounding enough, old man Gizzard released the hounds next door. Those dogs began drooling in a circle around me and began what appeared to be dry humping my
  • briefcase filled with top secret documents and my packed lunch. The briefcase had been given to me by my Aunt Velma before she died of colon cancer
  • , the same with my lunch. I decided not to eat it, and instead I went to
  • the Creation Museum. I like to look at the Adam and Eve statues, I try to look under their fig leaves, that makes me giggle. That is, until they asked me to leave just because
  • it turns out that they were offended I whipped my privates out to measure against Adam, and I screamed "I'm BIGGER than the first man!" I thought the Creation Museum curator would
  • be upset but he seemed oddly into it. A couple weeks later a friend directed me to a YouTube link. "Oh no" I thought. The link was titled: Village Idiot Whips out Privates. It had
  • a thumbnail of Bush Jr. pissing on a cop car. I pushed play on the Youtube video and Bush Jr. outruns the cops with his pants around his ankles. He pukes and says, "Energize Me"
  • What else is there to say about this saga?Not much, but let me leave you with last bit of advice:One in the hand is worth two of the Bush. Something we all now understand too well.


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