There was this kid who was running away from

  • There was this kid who was running away from the school. which one attack dogs attacked him...
  • but one of the attack dogs took him around the corner by the scruff of the neck and raised him as a "stray dog.' He roamed on all fours with the packs eating garbage and
  • growling at tourists to get them to throw some food scraps. One day Yolanda recognized him amongst the dogs. He fletched his teeth. But she called his name soothingly. Memories
  • of Yolanda shoving feathers between his teeth brought back the agony and drove away the starvation. The dog gave a savage snarl, and leapt
  • onto the stage. People were always tackled when they did this, but not Sparky. The dog had a sort of magical hold on rock fans, even when they were starving. Perhaps they thought
  • he was the fabled Dog of Rock who feeds hungry crowds with just a 11 pretzels and a few fish. Sparky thought it couldn't be true, but 7000 screaming people couldn't be wrong? He
  • turned his head and scratched behind his ear, then watched Rock Dog perform a blistering guitar solo as his adoring fans screamed & enjoyed their pretzels. Then came his encore:
  • The stage was filled with coloured balls and Rock Dog dived into the ball pit sending balls flying off the stage and into the adoring crowd. Rock Dog had sunk out of sight but guit
  • ar heroes were still angrily exploring the child activity pen. Rock Dog just lay there, letting the plastic balls swallow up. If only he could drown, he thought, & never be found.
  • Rock shook his head, trying to steer clear of such morbid ideas. Just then, he glanced up and noticed the thick, slightly frayed length of cord hanging from the low ceiling...


  1. Zetawilk Jun 08 2013 @ 18:12

    A noose? An escape rope? We'll have to wait for the sequel to find out!

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