Twarn't long afore the drone of the engines

  • Twarn't long afore the drone of the engines inspired Kelly to sing to his lonesome: "I am a poor starfaring stranger, traveling through this vasty space" Kelly looked at the stasis
  • chambers. The passengers where mostly engineered mutants for the colonies, but here was an earth female with hardly a blemish. Kelly hacked the monitors & deactivated her hibernati
  • -on Medulla Protocol. The Earth Woman's eyes blinked open. Kelly bit her lip. It was true. The mutant passengers could not know she was aboard. Even the ESI Restraints wouldn't
  • protect her mammalian, Earthling body from the amorous ravages these higher-evolved aliens were capable of. Boy! she thought, bus rides back home aren't as arousing as this! No,
  • I have never in my whole life been aroused by any incident, happening or happenstance occurring on the number 24 bus from Pimlico to Hampstead via Trafalgar Square. She munched
  • her snow peas dubiously. I could show her my detailed records of my physiological reactions to experiences on public transportation, but I knew she was skeptical of self reporting.
  • I could ask her to ride the bus with me to observe me. I was afraid that would endanger our already shaky relationship. When I looked at her to propose the outing a snow pea rolled
  • from of my pant legs. "You're back on peas? I thought you quit." She pushed me into a locker and ran away crying. I didn't want to hurt anyone, I just wanted world peas.
  • I was a liver, not a tater. She didn't understand it. Peas completed me. I even had a tattoo across my chest: "Let there be peas on earth." I squiggled after her, hoping to explain
  • myself. "This might be cheesy, but please take the time to process it before poking holes in what I have to say. Emmental tell you this before: I'm bleu without you." She softened.


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