Homo neanderthalis had a tendency to eschew

  • Homo neanderthalis had a tendency to eschew sex in favor of playing pinochle. Thus the sex=meh gene doomed them to extinction where as Homo sapiens sex=fun gene meant that
  • he merrily got through the ages not giving a damn. During the Ice Age, Homo Sapiens' sex=fun gene was very useful as not only it made it a good way to pass the time, but also it
  • helped his Cave Porn industry make an absolute killing. He was the first real entrepreneur, trading drawings of fornication for furs, meat, and this weird round thing called a whee
  • whacker. It resembled a large sit and spin, with a peg, to keep you in place while the centrifical force from spinning caused your "whee" to "whack" on the
  • beat of Electric Avenue. It was a set piece designed by a one-eyed sado-massochist named Stewart Dimplskat the
  • Skat Stewster. "Ouch!" I said, as we sashayed along the fandango path to perdition together without a care in the whole wide world. Stewart Dimplskat the Skat Stewster smirked as
  • the flowers along the path turned their faces towards them in a jealousy so immense that not even Lil' Kim could understand it. They were purely happy with one another and the boys
  • were getting along so well. When they turned the next corner, they came toe to toe with her! She had been watching them and was determined to push them back down a social class or
  • two whatever the costs may be. She handed them a cheque of £100 and ordered them to sign a waiver decreeing that they are no longer of high ranking status. They simply laughed,
  • kissed her right on the lips, and rhumba'ed back to their cushy offices without signing anything. Dazed and confused, she lamented once again her own lowly status as a woman.


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