once upon a time, había una niña muy linda

  • once upon a time, había una niña muy linda y con mucho carácter que vivía debajo del puente de Santa Eulària..., nadie sabía de que se alimentaba,
  • los aldeanos intrigados por saber de que sobrevivia la ni�a la empezaron a espiar y descubrieron
  • and we'll have no more of that. Keep it in your zipper Bucko. Now to the next item. It has been suggested that with the record number of teen pregnancies in this year's graduating
  • batch, the classes are going to be divided on the basis of gender. Now don't go all ballistic on me yet! The decision has come from higher management. There is an upside though.
  • Gender is not stagnant today as it was before. I can pick and choose, whatever I want, whenever I want. And so can every other citizen too. The power of citizenship today.
  • And yet it's funny how the people who rail against big government, the binary people who lubricate their lips with "Liberty" seem so uneasy about the implications of said liberty
  • ...liberty for one person, could be a jail sentence for another. That's why those far-right kooks won't give up their guns..you gotta pry it from their cold, dead hands, and that
  • not only takes a long time, but is really rather icky. I say let's pry the guns from their warm, living hands and give them a great big kiss on the lips while we kick them in the
  • shins repeatedly. There's nothing quite like a solid kick to the tibialis anterior for causing immediate pain and bruising.
  • I made a mental note. As envigorating as that was, I must admit my tastes had become much more refined. "Amateurs!" I cried out. Your shin-kicks may be well-placed, but I win - OW!


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