The central figure [X] reveals a male of

  • The central figure [X] reveals a male of refined and handsome features such as a formed and well groomed part of straight hair. A slight blemish or dimple above the left
  • solar plexus is nothing to worry about. Your droid will still perform all of his functions perfectly and with the utmost enthusiasm. If you should have any problems with him,
  • then try hitting the side of the droid's head. If this fails, try reading the Droid Manual. If you need to return your malfunctioning Droid, don't cry too much. It'll miss
  • You touching it. According to the Droid Manual, only one human can activate the kill switch for built in apps, one of which is Pokemon Go. You must play by the rules. The Droid can
  • make up crazy rules whenever his eye lights flash or his head rotates 360 degrees. When Pikachu appears holding a Chicken McNugget you can get a free coupon at McD's This App was
  • causing the nation's youth to gain weight at a frightening speed. There were traffic jams at McD's drive-thru windows, complete with road rage. Teen eyes were gouged by mcnuggets.
  • But I didn’t give up. I stayed the course. Soon, I knew, my teen eyes would mature to be twenty something eyes that would see all The twenty something sex I miss so damn much.
  • I feel an anguished expectoration of desire sometimes ... My eyes saw more and more as I matured, a blemished apple from life's cornucopia, and ninety something memory has sex with
  • a plethora of said conundrums, albeit those wrapped in an enigma, swathed wholly in a riddle, over a veilc worn by a man skipping and singing, "I'm a naughty Alpine boy!"
  • "I'm such a naughty Alpine boy!" He tore the riddle off, revealing the treacherous enigma. "Look at me, I'm a rebel and a naughty Alpine boy!"


  1. SlimWhitman Jul 01 2018 @ 17:14

    "Look at me, I'm a naughty alpine boy" could become a meme. Be worried.

  2. ValkyrieGrrl Jul 03 2018 @ 06:19

    SlimWhitman: My bad. I do believe I had a momentary lapse of concentration and fell into one of my deep Pining For the Fjords fugues. I won't let it happen again. (All things being equal of course, and barring any unforeseen and culturally unrelated lutefisk or lederhosen avalanches. :-)

  3. SlimWhitman Jul 04 2018 @ 18:09

    The lutefisk has a stinkeye . .

  4. ValkyrieGrrl Jul 05 2018 @ 07:22

    Ahh....but you only say that because you haven't yet met surstromming....

  5. BlastedHeath Jul 06 2018 @ 20:03

    It seems like only yesterday that The Kraken was reading the newspaper in his best Max Schell impression to amuse the driver of a truck full of lutefisk as it bumped along some lonely but sunlit road. Somewhat later, one of those lutefisk has a serious question to ask: http://foldingstory.com/ouue8/

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