The sobs were louder but were interrupted

  • The sobs were louder but were interrupted by a staccato of defiant grunts and the sounds of fists hitting flesh. I’d seen and heard plenty of street fights in my seventeen years
  • but I have never seen a Street Therapy Session, while they were getting in touch with their feelings and sobbing, they had also grabbed switchblades to
  • place on the ground, crossed over each other, ready for the Morris-dancing. Celtic movement was a new addition to the Street Therapy sessions, but it worked. Even Big Bad Dan liked
  • the little white handkerchiefs and the bells. How he whooped when he hopped on one leg and then the other, arms aloft. He almost managed to forget
  • that he was 65 years old. One fatal dosey-doo resulted in a sickening crack & he collapsed into a heap on the ground. The dancers seemed to ignore him, instead incorporating his
  • lifeless form seamlessly into the dance routine, a la Weekend at Bernie's. When the AARP got wind of this, they sent out a crack squad to investigate. Maude & Claude
  • the newest addition to the My Pretty Pony show. There was a mix up at the toy factory and Claude ended up pink and Maude blue. See this is what happens when bad early 80s synth pop
  • gets piped out onto the work floor. The workers get all confused and disoriented. Why I remember this one time when we blared "Karma Chamleon" and the entire work force just
  • fell over on the work floor, assumed the fetal position and started moaning. Boy George always had that kind of effect on people, and the workers were no different. The labor union
  • in fact required new employees to memorize "Karma Chameleon" and sing it every Friday. This backfired when strikers blended in with each other and were mistaken for parking meters.


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