The Dragon High Council meets once a year

  • The Dragon High Council meets once a year for one day. During this time, philosophical differences are put aside in favor of governing and protecting the whole of Dragon kind.
  • At least that's what the KKK in Atlanta call it. The Grand Dragon called the meeting to order and noticed that Al Sharpton was in the front row. The Grand Dragon said, "
  • You lookin' for trouble, Sharpton? Tawana brawl-y? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am hot tonight! A couple more jokes like that and yiz'll all be soaking your sheets! That's why they call
  • me the "Reverse Hungarian." And please give a warm welcome to the next up, our very own, don't call him fat because he'll just eat your ear, THE INTERRO-GATOR
  • straight from the other folded story!" The audience clapped vacantly as the bipedal alligator walked to the center of the stage and took the microphone. "What a beautiful audience!
  • So, I’m an alligator, from Florida, and I thought I’d start with a gator joke: What do you get when you cross a Gator with a groundhog?Six more weeks of bad football!” The audience
  • groaned & booed. Someone threw a football on stage knocking his mike over. The Gator football team was in the audience & they weren't amused. Two burly linebackers rushed the stage
  • and summoned the ghost of Tim Tebow. Unprepared, Tim appeared in naught but Jockey shorts. "Umm, what's the problem, guys," he asked shamefully. The Gator-hater comedian whimpered
  • like a herpephobe, and started making flustered, snide insults at serpents and geckos and chameleons and iguanas left and right. Ignoring Tim Tebow, the crowd was getting pissed.
  • Tim, however, was exhilirated. Devout virgin as he was, having a herpephobe for a girlfriend was a match made in heaven!


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