I am out of my mind. It's alright though.

  • I am out of my mind. It's alright though. I hear this voice. It tells me how to behave to avoid my madness from drawing attention. Now I suspect it is setting me up.
  • I leave the forest and seek the path. There is one that turns into a roadway. The voice in my head tells me to seek the mall, and then the food court. I resist for their sakes, but
  • damn they look so good. My fruitless journey for spiritual enlightenment has left me famished. Salivating, I go up to the disappointed kid behind the counter and whisper excitedly
  • "Is that a Dragon Fruit?" the kid looked bored but nodded handed me the Dragon Fruit to examine. Soon after I held the bright pink Dragon Fruit in my hands a loud rumble in my
  • rectum reminded me that I'd better not even think about eating the Dragon Fruit. But it was so pink, so luciously juicy...I could not help myself. Two hours later, I was at the ER,
  • with my hands four feet deep into a morbidly obese man's chest picking out birdshot like I was eating a pomegranate.
  • "...What am I doing here again?" I asked myself as I stared at the birdshot was ready to be picked clean off his jiggly nipples. "I did not sign up for this."
  • The more I thought about it: the bird shot, the jiggly nipples, the more angry I became. I'm a reasonable person--but make me angry and I can do anything. Ask Lady Gaga, ask Paul
  • or the Queen of England. I have written letters to several high ranking celebrities about my neighbor shotgunning pigeons topless. A man's house is his kingdom, but really.
  • Later on, it turned out that my neighbor was a bit insane. He was sent to an asylum founded by a pigeon lover and he was about to follow a pigeon-based therapy for the next 9 years


  1. BlastedHeath Jul 12 2014 @ 10:25

    The circle of madness ...

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