She sat up in bed and started talking." I

  • She sat up in bed and started talking." I don't know who he is mom." "Wake up your dreaming again" I said "I know. That's what he Said." she said. Wake up honey you're sleeptalking
  • and you are starting to annoy me, every bloody night I have to suffer your sleep walking and talking, I'm fed up!" And so her mom took her to a specialist
  • at Fredericks Airforce base. Dr. Osborne had a reputation for getting results. After initial tests he checked her in and hooked her to their detector. Her sleeping telekinesis
  • wasn't as good as her telekinesis when she was awake for obvious reasons so Dr. Osbourne decided to wake her up. "General!" he said. "Bring me my
  • gramophone and my karaoke set. We're going to rock this place. We're going to set it on fire.
  • That is the music we were born with! We have no rivals at all! Wait for us the music lovers, this is gonna be a night you will never forget!
  • Let me just turn on this amp to 11! (Why wan't this plugged in? Where are those roadies?) "TEST... TEST...1...2" WHHeeeee (damn feedback) "Hello! Cleveland! Hello?" (Where are we?)
  • The feedback was so noisy answers made in outlying areas couldn't be heard." turn the amp to 6 so we can hear ourselves think," the goon stated. "Think? A roadie only fiddles with
  • his ball sack right before he eats chips or hands people gum to chew. The Roadie "crotch games" are really his expertise. In the Southern states where its more humid they can
  • get away with it a bit more using the excuse that they were simply airing out their sweaty underpants.


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