"I have a fever" Said the Beaver Belonging

  • "I have a fever" Said the Beaver Belonging to the blond. "Well I have a hurtin', in my meat curtain, "I got it from a lad 'cross the pond."
  • The "Beave" had really become edgy. His blond wife fell in love with innocent younger brother. Now he was a beatnik, doing performance art and poetry. It'd really gotten old really
  • --Iiterally.The Beave was so old his rotting, beatnik teeth stank up small bars at his poetry slams. He also emanated the fetor of impending death, using it in his performance art
  • to the dismay of his fellow performing artists, the attending crowd, and of deepest significance to the Beave's own mother who was wheeled in to view the spectacle. She'd heard
  • the first two chords of the song and wheeled herself back from where she came in!Their own mother!The Beave Couple then tried to win the crowd with one of their favorite songs:
  • One Night in Bangkok. "...and the world's your beaver!" sang the Beaver Couple, bastardizing the lyrics to suit their tastes. But the crowd was having none of it. A riot broke out
  • "Dam the beavers!" shouted an instigator. The Beaver couple tried to quell the mob with another Karaoke hit. "It's fun to stay at the Bis-cay-ne Bay! It's fun to stay..." A chair
  • flew all the way from the crowd to the stage hitting one of the beavers in the process amking the survivng one stop singing its annoying tune. He looked for the culpirit but nobody
  • spoke up. "Dammit anyway!" He shouted in frustration. The beavers took him for his word & got busy. "No, no, no!" he cried. "I didn't mean..." "Just shut your pie hole!" replied
  • the biggest beaver he had ever seen. "You talk too much!" "Careful! It wood beavery bad for you if you were to push me too far," he warned. But the beavers didn't listen. Dam.


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