Shouldn't we be questioning everything? I

  • Shouldn't we be questioning everything? I mean, instead of making statements, don't you think we'd be a lot smarter if we just asked questions instead? Like, why in the world
  • do we need to ask real questions?We can just use the popular parlance of using a rising inflection on the last syllable of a sentence? It makes us sound so agreeable but in reality
  • I mean really? I mean as if, really? It might be what you call the uncertainty principle? At least some people might call it that but I don't know, really?
  • I'm gonna guess the uncertainty principle is when you ask someone about their political opinion they tell you something different from what they think. The measurement changes the
  • outcome of what they actually tell you about their political beliefs; it's inevitable. They either want you to agree with them or strongly disagree with them. They don't realize
  • that neighborhood watch meetings are for getting a glimpse of old man McClintock's new trophy wife, perhaps earning a smile with a well-placed quip or playing a game of
  • FoldingStory. McClintock earned many smiles in time, infact he opened a new bank for smiles since he was overwhelmed by smiles. So
  • when that bank was robbed, many people lost their smiles. So many people that McClintock Was chased out of the town by a mob of angry people who had lost their smiles.
  • And when I say "they lost their smiles", I mean it literally. Their lips formed a trail that lead to the escaping McClocktenChalkyPok. The vengeful mouthless were gaining ground,
  • it was not a pretty sight, nor one I wish to keep recounting to my grandchildren repeatedly like I do every night, but their free online psychotherapist says it builds character.


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