Santa Claus is coming to town, said Herman

  • Santa Claus is coming to town, said Herman the Hermit to Alice who was looking at the Looking glass. Alice pretended not to hear so Herman started singing it out loud.
  • Alice told Herman that she would prefer it if everyone could just calm down and stop singing about Christmas. It was only July, and she couldn't think about Christmas
  • . But Herman kept humming Carols. He was sure if he started early & practiced, he would get to be Santa Claus at the Shroudshire Mall this year & if he didn't he'd throw a tantrum.
  • Afterall, playing Santa had always been Herman's dream. Not to matter that he is bone thin, and barely four foot tall, he believed the costume and lifts in his boots would
  • fool the children of this Latino Super Mercado. Because he underbid all the other Santa's, they let him set up shop. Skinny and short, the white beard was nearly as tall as he
  • was circumferencial. El Santa did his best to put a Corona under every palm tree. But instead of fizzy Coke, El Santa indulged in cocaine. His image took a hit when
  • it became widely known his 'elves' were actually 5 - 10 year old children and his 'wife' was... let's face it. A whore. He was burning out quick with no horizon in sight. El Santa
  • was an equal opportunity employer. He didn't discriminate on the basis of gender, race, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation, or age. El Santa belonged to the Chamber
  • of secrets and would frequently seek advice on labour relations from a Mr Potter. Mr Potter had recently represented El Santa in an unfair dismissal case. El Santa was eager to
  • have things reevaluated, Mr Potter new just the thing muggles; they would be the perfect answer to all their labour needs.


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