I rate myself a 10 out of 10 at

  • I rate myself a 10 out of 10 at
  • counting to 10 in an orderly manner. I rarely mix the numbers up, freeze or burst into tears. I rattle those little beauties off rat tat tat: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. See? Top that!
  • A kindergartner approached. "Oh yeah? Well ! know the pythagorean theorem, and i have memorised various works, including War and Peace, The U.S. Constitution and The Very Hungry
  • Caterpillar. I have an IQ of 160, buckaroo." Cowboy Bob winced inwardly gave the kid a pat and turned to the camera. "How sweet, stay tuned for Bob's Cartoon Barn after this."
  • As soon as they cut to a commercial, Cowboy Bob whipped off his 10-gallon hat & screamed at the producer, "OK! Who set me up with this punk kid?! He's making me look like an idiot!
  • Hey Eisenberg, I bet it was you!" The producer turned purple, stood, and shook an outstretched fist. "My name's not Eisenberg. And you're an anti-Semite!" Cowboy Bob gripped his
  • horn, which is the thing that pokes out on the saddle. But Cowboy Bob twisted it, his horse transformed into a battle bot. "YEEEEEEHAAAAAWWW!" he said to the Producer.
  • Mr. Ed the talking horse was ready take the place of the battle Bohn, who grew wings and flew away, carrying a small rucksack. Cowboy Bob said that was not part of the script.
  • "Sometimes," said Mr. Ed, cocking the shotgun, "you have to go off script to survive." Having said that he galloped under the portcullis firing the shotgun up at the embankment.
  • The bullet caught Wilbur in the left forearm, right where a blood clot had been forming over the years. Mr. Ed had saved Wilbur's life, by accident. He'd meant to kill him.


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