The telephone rang without end. Theresa

  • The telephone rang without end. Theresa sat there staring at it. It wasn't plugged into the wall or anything, yet it rang and rang. Desmond entered cautiously and grabbed his cell
  • mate "Lonnie." They had just broken out of prison and holed up at Theresa's house. The magically ringing phone was adding to their paranoia. Was this a trick of the cops? They
  • dressed to accentuate their lady lumps, but the effect was nil. It was like
  • putting hummingbird eggs in a jumbo egg carton, I mean why bother. The waif
  • your bad but,
  • I must take full responsibility. My bad. Cooking a bacon cheeseburger in the Israeli Prime Minister's toaster oven - it had created an international incident. How could I undo the
  • damage done. I am sure that the beef was Kosher but the bacon was not turkey as I had intended. Michelle Obama was scheduled to speak with the Prime Minster on behalf of Billary
  • but we just cancelled it all. The Prime Minister insisted on Kosher foods but I insisted on real bacon. It was an impasse as large as
  • the tattoo on the Prime Ministers ass, which also indicated that he was KOSHER. No surprise, really. One only needed to read
  • PARVE on the other to understand why he had been passed over.


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