It was Loan Shark Week on CNBC and all the

  • It was Loan Shark Week on CNBC and all the anchors were replaced by thugs. Tony the Pony (yes, yes) was interviewing a victim of check cashing services. "50% interest, that's not
  • so bad" Tony said. "Provided you pay on time & Louisville Sluggah don't have to pay a visit". Tony's show was so popular, CNBC asked him to stay past Loan Shark Week. He extorted
  • Katherine Helmond by threatening to
  • ask her long rambling questions about "Whose the Boss?" Ms. Helmond finally agreed to the interview, but all of the questions were, "How cool was it to work with Terry Gilliham?"
  • Of course, it was a break from being asked about Susan Harris' hit series, "Soap", but it was still a bit jarring nonetheless. The interviewer was nonplussed when she called her
  • "Hey Princess Arma!" "Don't call me as this. You knew it's wrong." Then there is silence, lasts long. Nevertheless, the situation remains normal, and nothing is really going on.
  • Not even breathing. They died of asphyxiation.
  • We all just a stared at each other. Wow, where did that ending come from. All dead? I'd just got the popcorn, the m&ms, the fizzy drinks, the hotdogs, been to the loo, settled down
  • and all the protagonists were dead and the credits were rolling. We sat their in shocked silence as the remaining audience left the theater. The the 2 hr blooper trailer started.
  • Without any intermission by the time we left the theatre I was busting for the loo. I really shouldn't have drunk 10 litres of coke during the film apparently it can kill you.


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