Anne drove a blck car.A Miata her father

  • Anne drove a blck car.A Miata her father gave for her 20th birthday.She was going to Seatle to visit her friend Mary when she remembered forgetting her umbrela on her bed.
  • Which angered her. All the way up the 5 she seethed. She plotted killing her friend Mary by pushing her out of the Miata when they went for a ride. Mary's head would slam into
  • a semi going about 52 mph, or a rice rocket doing 95. Maybe she'd just drop Mary off near Harris Ranch and say she'd be right back and then never return. That'd show that stuckup
  • prom queen. The words of her mother kept bothering her. "If you cant say anything nice!" Aaaahh, just let me tell you how humiliated Mary made when she took my essay and posted
  • it on fanfiction.net. I got a hundred capslock reviews: YOU CALL THAT LORD OF THE FLIES SLASH? and HOW COULD YOU TURN SIMON INTO A GARY STU? At the prom, Mary wore
  • that stupid hat and I was so embarrassed I could die. I knew that hat was a family heirloom, but still! Everybody was pointing at us and laughing, couldn't she see? If only
  • The hat made me turn invisble. I reached up to take the hat off but i only got to rub it when a cloud of orange smoke appeared in front of me and a genie came out and said
  • it was perfectly natural for a Genie to be gay. It all made so much sense: the tiny waistcoat on his bare chest, his silken leggings and how fabulous he'd make everything. I never
  • did care for generalizations, though I was guilty of making them myself. If Genie was gay, I was happy for him. I didn't care, as long as he paid me the fifty bucks he owes me...
  • how happy Genie was wasn't really my concern. Though maybe gay was meant in the relational sense...huh. That would explain everything. Best of luck, Genie.


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