The was lived a princess who was so incredibly

  • The was lived a princess who was so incredibly
  • beautiful that she literally melted the heart of any man passing by. One day she visited a witch who promised to remove her curse forever.
  • Under one condition: she had to promise the witch she would cut her beautiful hair short & refer to herself as "Butch" for the rest of her life. The beautiful maiden agreed & soon
  • Butch's dream came true. She was crowned Miss World Lesbian! Donning her rainbow sash & strolling down the runway in her camo gown & workboots, she blew kisses at her
  • mothers through her mustache. Her second mother was the most proud, she flashed her gianormous....... "Stop!" said a voice behind he, "that's my rainbow sash!". It was
  • indeed his other mother's rainbow sash. His other mother had no hairs on her upper lip but she sported a goatie and a really gianormous Gazonga, a cross between Congo Drums and
  • a long wooden kazoo. One mom always laughed when the other mom played it but he couldn't quite figure out why. One day he & his two mothers were jamming in the garage when a stray
  • third mother hove into view. "Halloo there!" she shouted, "Come to me baby, we've go a lot of catching up!" Mom 1 and Mom 2 stared frostily & said, "Oh hello, Priscilla." He put do
  • wn his rattle and soiled his diaper. In a flash all 3 moms were pulling at the baby. "Let go!" "He's mine!" Then King Solomon arrived. "He shall be divided into 3 equal portions."
  • The three moms fought over who would get possession of the head, and who had to settle for the appendages. Mom #2 drew the short straw and realized what she'd won was only a torso!


  1. Gibber Nov 09 2014 @ 23:37

    Nice ending! Somehow that "only a torso" caught me off guard.

  2. SlimWhitman Nov 10 2014 @ 03:31

    I saw it coming... :-)

  3. foldmeonce Nov 10 2014 @ 13:15

    Thanks Gibber!

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