"I'm tired of all these tentacled, 8-headed

  • "I'm tired of all these tentacled, 8-headed dragons," said Japanese hero Katsumi Shishi. "I'm gonna be a hero in Africa. Ornery hippos? Hyenas? No problem." She packed her raygun
  • with her face creams. Total interstellar packing no-no. Moisturizers plus ray guns can cause violent plasma bubbles. Katsumi Shishi was dreaming when she heard an explosion.
  • A siren blared, and a calm, crackly voice alerted, "Hull breach in 18 seconds. All hands abandon ship. Bye now." In her panic, Katsumi forgot to dress before lunging through the
  • Crowd and jumping onto the lifeboat. Lady Saki provided her a blanket, saying "You cannot be seen in public naked, my dear!" Lord Fukushima panicked about the radioactive water.
  • The cyborg coffeemaker kept bleeping at Lord Fukushima that the Raiidxem had short fuses and were not likely to let an affront like this go unpunished. She had been seen naked by
  • his wife through the window of her bedroom. She was disgusted and put thick curtains up instead
  • of putting on that slinky teddy he had bought her for her birthday six years ago. In fact, she did put it on that night, but stayed behind the thick curtians so he couldn't see. It
  • would have stayed discreet, if he hadn’t turned off the lights; if she didn’t see him in the moonlight, moseying toward her in the G-string she bought him for his last birthday.
  • Then it hit her. She had bought that G-String for his "last" birthday and here it was coming up on his next. How could she have let that happen? It was supposed to be his last one.
  • To remedy the situation she surprised him with makeup sex, in response for her birthday he proposed and they married. The two of them had 3 children together and lived peacefully.


  1. Woab Apr 23 2020 @ 17:36

    Guess they called the cops on the naked broad outside the window.

  2. LordVacuity Apr 24 2020 @ 02:12

    She almost did. Then she figured if a naked woman wanted to walk around in public without a face mask during a pandemic, more power to her. Exercising your Natural Rights au naturelle. Damn the contagion torpedoes! Full speed ahead!

  3. LordVacuity Apr 24 2020 @ 02:22

    Turned that into a new story. http://foldingstory.com/kqp7y/

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