There are many beautiful things in life.

  • There are many beautiful things in life. And so obviously the ugly can prevail its self in any given beauty. Such as Jared and malikas wedding. And the ugly turn of events starts
  • in frame 1." The philosophy professor explains to his students. "And by frame 421 we can see that Jared and Malikas aren't getting married at all, they are infact
  • getting marbled. True story. " Miraculously the professor was not pulling their legs. This time anyway. At the fudge factory Jared and Malikas fell into a large vat of
  • chocolate shavings. Unfortunately, those shavings were starting the melting process and were like quick sand as well. The boys screamed for help, but with all the noise
  • in the factory, noone heard him, or at least they didn't seem to. As the chocolate got warmer he relaxaed a bit. "What better way to go then in a bath of chocolate?" Then the mixer
  • began to decent, blocking out the harshness of the overhead fluorescent light. "Well, I guess this is it." He closed his eyes and took his last breath of the sweet aroma
  • . With a whiff of the ether, he felt his body sink into the operating table. He heard the surgeon as a distant voice. "Nurse, where does this part go?"
  • He was absolutely terrified. "How could this have happened?" he wondered. All he had wanted was a hip replacement, and it was clear now that his doctor was completely incompetant
  • Furious, he stormed out of the room and went looking for him, ready to give him a piece of his mind. He found the doctor flirting with a nurse and that made his blood boil.
  • "Litrally boil," the narrator added, in a clipped English accent, as if that would add finality to the narrative. But, here we are, man, doctor and nurse, an unresolved triangle.


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