Some scenes that may have led to this decision

  • Some scenes that may have led to this decision to stop the telefilm include the portrayal of shirtless men talking in
  • bunkers while shushing their many wives, while they "speak the wisdom". Most people wouldn't care about polygamy if not for its practitioners more than never taking child brides.
  • "That's what the carnival is for," Sparky mused. He could marry however many kids he wanted. He had fifty child spouses in Renton, Washington, but when you're master of the midway
  • you can run Microsoft! Or at least program the latest version of Windows. Sparky knew that his circus-like affect might wreck havoc on his
  • father's funeral procession, but that didn't stop Sparky from hiring a troupe of freaks, jugglers, & carnies. Sparky programmed the lights in sync with the electrocution seating
  • of the bus load of idiots from the institution. Once they began to sing and dance, it was all
  • becoming very clear to him: he had already crossed the boundary which separated reality from nightmare. There was no doubt in his mind, he had become the victim of
  • the hive mind. His mind was already merging with the group consciousness. He could hear their thoughts... See through their eyes, and feel their
  • honeyed complexions. He waxed
  • his penis.


  1. Davodd Jan 31 2011 @ 00:38

    Oh, I about peed myself from laughing at those last two words.

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