Her friends fight back. She does not. Her

  • Her friends fight back. She does not. Her friends die. She survives.
  • She cries over the dead corpses of her friends. Tears fill her eyes, each teardrop a physical manifestation of her emotions. A tear drops off her cheek. It lands on the corpse...
  • and around the corpse there was a mysterious glow which caused her to cover her eyes at the sheer brightness of it. Slowly the glow turned into her friends shape however...
  • her friend was sitting next to her. She could see the terror in Roy's face as he recognized himself in the corpse/alien and clapped her hand over his mouth. The ground vibrated as
  • Roy let loose a literally earth-shaking, alien belch. His lady friend's hand could not withstand the pressure coming from his mouth. She fell backwards. Roy 's putrid breath
  • led the feds right to him. Unable to navigate his bad breath until gas masks arrive, they warned:"Ma'am, that dude you're with didn't eat pepperoni pizza...he's a dangerous alien!"
  • "He's not dangerous to me Marshall. I know he is a space alien but he has been the most decent guy I have ever met. He treats me like a human which is more than humans treat me.
  • That speaks volumes for the Police, who never Cook the best chili. Marshall made killer burritos and earned the Police a Golden Spoon.
  • Marshall's burritos were so good that they decided to use the police station as a burrito restaurant, so that by day the police would work, and by night his burritos were sold.
  • But opportunistic criminals stormed the place, locking the off duty burrito eating cops in the holding cells. They then turned the burritoteria into a drive-thru crack house.


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