Whitebait! Get yer whitebait here! Genocide

  • Whitebait! Get yer whitebait here! Genocide on a plate! Mitchell's a great man, he is! Come and but your genocide!
  • That's how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed George Mitchell when he arrived in his Middle East Peace Project. To that, Mitchell raised a ham sandwich and
  • gave the Prime Minister a confident wink. "Now let me tell you something, you delusional prick." said Mitchell. "I..." but Mitchell was cut off by two Peace Project Gestapo who
  • decided that his left end didn't quite belong attached to his right. Peace clearly taking second seat to the protection of the Prime Minister, Mitchell was cleaved into two halves
  • One half was given to their esteemed leader. The other half was given to B'chugerroth -- king of living shadows born of echoes of light from dying stars.
  • A moment later B'chugerroth took physical form before their eyes and immediately started bitching about how he had gotten the smaller half. "Dude, they're identical!" I yelled, but
  • B'chugerroth's incarnation as my talking left testicle caused quite a stir among the guests at the Seance but B'chugerrroths bitching was annoying so for my right testicle I called
  • upon the spirit of Joseph Stalin to take control. In a flash, the late Soviet dictator's soul imbued my testicle with almost limitless power. My balls were ready to conquer Earth.
  • Well, at least one of them was - only one testicle had limitless power. "This'll have to do for now, Steve", I said to my left nut, as we flew through the roof and towards China.
  • But it was not to be. Why, oh why, had I been born a girl? My testicle shrank into the blender of oblivion and my anus gulped emphatically. 'Abracadabra' was not an adequate phrase


  1. Bad. Apr 23 2011 @ 18:54


  2. 49erFaithful Apr 23 2011 @ 21:43

    I hope this isn't a true story.

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