Megan follows the trail of shattered ceramic

  • Megan follows the trail of shattered ceramic eggs through Mrs. Gordling's house. She is beginning to get nervous because last time things had gotten pretty strange.
  • She opened the door to see Mrs Gordling with a few ceramic ducklings, quacking away at her feet. "They must think I'm their mother; they won't stop following me! Oh, hello Megan."
  • Megan entered the room and poured the still hot herbal tea in her friend's cup. The little ducklings were quacking contentedly around her feet, the highlight of her ceramic collect
  • ion being the limited edition 1 of 10,000 ducks she found in the supermarket last Saturday. "Aah little ceramic duck," Megan said "come here while I
  • set the wax for the others. We must not make the others wait. They are out there for us, my dear duckling, calling us names like 'unstable,' 'sociopath.' Why the very gall! But we
  • follow our own path. If it calls for the lives of errant sheep we would do the feasting. They are right about a need for a NEW WORLD ORDER but in ours, they are not invited. Trump
  • s are aces and hearts. Our card kingdom will shuffle in a new era, and will cut the deck by offering everyone a good deal. We promise to lend a hand, and to play it straight. Our
  • Jokers will be clubbed to ensure that no hijinks will ensue during the transition. Cats will be spade. We will have a full profile of all Queens, Kings, and Jacks. The numbers
  • Will be digitised to preserve their integrity. Zeroes won't be written down, just coded. This way, the national debt can be papered over until the book is opened. You open it up,
  • give the command: Transfer 1 trillion dollars of our debt to Mexico…poof…it’s done, and it can’t be undone! That’s how Mexico pays for the wall. We’re making America great, again!


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